A Deadly Infection

When our daughters were going through sick spells, I used to tell them that they needed to get lots of sleep. That's because "when you're asleep, the good soldiers come out and fight those bad soldiers that are making you sick." Okay, so it's not exactly advanced microbiology, but it works for me.

Actually, one of the amazing things about these bodies God has given us is how our body kicks into action when it's been invaded by an infection. All those antibodies go to work and the white blood cells start coming out in force. In fact, one way doctors look for infection is to check your blood for the elevated presence of white blood cells. They start multiplying fast when the "bad soldier" germs try to take you out.

However, there's an infection that every human being on this planet is fighting; actually it's a spiritual infection. This spiritual cancer is called "sin" in the Bible, and it can kill your future, your reputation, your marriage, your joy, your closeness to God. And, if it isn't cured, it can ultimately kill you forever by keeping you out of God's eternal heaven.

But for all of us who are carrying this deadly infection inside us, God has some awesome news. He has "good soldiers" that are more powerful than the forces of sin. In Romans 5:20, God says, "Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." What an incredible promise! God always has more grace than we have sin, no matter what we've done.

Grace is God's undeserved, unconditional love. We're hung up on trying to do things to please people, to get them to like us, to get them to accept us. We go to a lot of trouble to make ourselves acceptable to God also. But there's nothing you will ever do that's going to impress a sinless, holy, infinite God. And because we're stuck on this "deserving" thing, we either fool ourselves by believing that we are good enough to get into heaven, or on the other hand, we're sure God will have nothing to do with us, especially when we've blown it big time. 

If His love and forgiving is based on our performance, we're done for. But it's not. It's not based on what we have or have not done. It's based on what Christ has done for us by dying on the Cross and coming to life again on the third day. It's based on His grace, which is all about what He's like - and nothing about what we're like. And His sin-fighting agent, called grace, always outruns and out-guns human sin. There's more healing grace than there is sinful infection....always.

That doesn't mean we go on sinning so we can abuse God's grace and take advantage of His love. In fact, if we really love Jesus, we won't be able to keep on doing the things that He died to stop us doing. As Paul said: "Shall I keep sinning so that grace may the more abound?" And Paul answered his own question with a resounding NO! But God's "more grace than there is sin" equation means that there is no one we know who is beyond God's grace. 

So we should keep praying for those without Christ; keep loving them. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven...no prodigal who can't come home. And it is never too late to be forgiven. Just look at the dying thief Jesus forgave on the cross.

Of course God's grace in Jesus Christ has a personal application also. I touched on that earlier, but it is so important that I need to say some more on this subject. When we are asked to take a seat, we have no hesitation in trusting that seat, and sitting on it. Everyone trusts seats.

But when the Lord invites us to trust His promises, we hesitate, procrastinate and even reject His promises. God has said that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. But do we accept His promise? No, we like to brood over our sins, not forgive ourselves, and continue to make our own life miserable. It's like deliberately blocking those  anti-bodies from doing their work in your body. How foolish! We should let God's grace do His work in our lives. Let us take hold of His forgiveness and rejoice - now.

Today could be your  day to experience that healing grace of God in your life! No matter what you've done, Jesus died to pay for  and to forgive it, if you'll give yourself to Him - if you'll trust Him to be your personal Rescuer from your personal sin. Take hold of His promises and be free. You don't have to carry the guilt; you don't have to carry the death sentence of your sin one more day. 

Begin or refresh your personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, right now. Believe that the Lord Jesus died for the sins you have done, right now. Put all your trust in what the Lord has done for you. Take hold of His promises right now. His grace is greater than the sins of a lifetime. That's why it's amazing grace. Grace to you - and peace...

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